Part 260 ~ The Adventures of King Ben & Zeus the Big Dumb Dog

If you missed the start of this series, you can find it here. A lot of things will be the same or very similar.

Ben started getting a little amped up as the sun went down. For whatever reason, med lapse or the changing of the light, or just because, Ben often has trouble at sunset. He was stabbing boxes and banging into things, not being “bad”, but putting off an edgy vibe. Daughter was cooking his steak and she gave it to him around 5:15pm. I took my pictures and stayed out of the way.

Ben ate pretty quickly, he was hungry, then came to hang out in my room. I decided to try to prevent the getting out of the tub argument we seem to have on Work Nights by running his bath early. I brushed and rebraided his hair, then ran the bath. It took several prompts to get him headed toward the bathroom.

Daughter gave him his meds on the way, then he got distracted by a DC Pictures logo he just HAD to create. Daughter and I spent fifteen minutes trying to get him to put it down and get in the dang bathtub. He ignored us and kept messing around. It became a ridiculous power struggle, and Daughter was escalating it. I stopped her, and made her angry, cuz we still needed to drive her to work, and pushing this situation into a full on battle would’ve been stupid. I finally got him into the tub around 5:45pm. So much for trying to start early and prevent a battle.

He got out on time, and on his own. I showered him with praise. We got him dressed and when it was time to go he started messing with the dang DC logo thing again. GRRRR! We got Daughter to work on time, but it was a frustrating struggle every step of the way.

Ben and I went back home and I got him and Zeus settled in bed, then texted Daughter to let her know we made it home okay.

The usual Things and Stuff followed. I ate my food around 10:30pm and the Food Coma hit immediately. I didn’t even take my pills. I woke up around 2:15am, realized I hadn’t taken the meds and decided to go ahead and take them. It was kinda late, but I didn’t want to be waking up every hour, I needed sleep!

The 6am alarm woke me. I get up a half hour before I need to wake Ben for meds on the days I need to get Daughter, so I can use the baño in peace and have a chance to wake up at my own pace. I got up, let Zeus out and did my thing.

I woke Ben at 6:30, gave him his meds and went to look at the sky. Sunrise was meh and it was cold outside… 37°F (3°C). I took a couple pictures and went to warm up. Ben stayed in his bed, which was fine. I told him we had to go get Mom in a little while, but he could stay in bed til then if he wanted to. He said “No bus today” and I told him he was correct, only picking Mom up from work.

I went back out to see the Sun rise above the horizon and that’s when Georgie and Gracie came by. They were flying high and headed north. I said Good Morning to them, and they circled around. They never landed, but they came a little lower and circled a few times. Then Ben was standing behind me in just his PJs and no slippers, shivering. I said Goodbye to Georgie and Gracie, then took Ben inside.

We left on time to get Daughter. She was waiting for us when we got there, she got in and said hello to Ben, then immediately started venting about work. She had the same needy patients, plus a heartbreaking new one. An eighty-seven year old woman who was brought in by paramedics when neighbors saw her crawling through the mud in front of her house. Come to find out, her son was supposed to be caring for her but he was just spending her money and neglecting her. She was malnourished, had no water or utilities… thank goodness the neighbors called. The son has been arrested and Social Services has stepped in, but this is another pandemic related issue IMO. As decent, caring humans, we need to check on our elderly or disabled neighbors. Now, more than ever, vulnerable people are isolated.

Anyway, we got home and settled in. Daughter told me she had to stay awake this morning to Zoom Ben’s IEP. WHAT?! I have been at every IEP (Individual Education Plan) meeting since preschool. This was the first I was hearing about the meeting. I admit I felt a little hurt at being excluded. I felt like my place and contributions in Ben’s life were being ignored, that I was being unacknowledged. I actually hate sitting through the hour, sometimes two hours, meetings every year, but I wasn’t given the option this time. I was needed to sit with Ben. And in reality, Daughter is the one with the legal rights. I am just the Gramma.

So I did Couch Sittin Duty and Daughter Zoomed with his teacher, his Speech and Occupational Therapists, and representatives from our home district, to discuss his progress and his goals for next year.

Almost two hours later Daughter came out to the living room. I told her she didn’t need to tell me about it now, just go sleep. I knew she was tired. She snapped at me that she was coming out to pee, they didn’t even get to the IEP, just spent two hours discussing the assessments. They have another Zoom scheduled for the eighth at 8:30am to do the IEP. Then she started crying and apologizing for snapping. I told her it was okay, I understood she was tired. I told her to go sleep, everything was okay.

Ben and I just hung out. He did the usual things and I did the usual things and nothing very exciting happened. Daughter got up at 3:15pm and took over Couch Sittin Duty, I went and Gathered my Data for the Science Project.

I was going to get Horizontal but I had meds for Ben that needed to be picked up. I changed shoes, changed hoodies and masked up. Daughter called while I was out and wanted me to get her more cough drops and more wine. Two stops then. I got the stuff for Daughter then went to get the meds. A quick trip took me forty-five minutes. When I got home Daughter said that the one med that he needed wasn’t there. WHAT?! She said there were refills on the prescription. I asked if she’d called it in? Did she get a notification that it was ready? No and No. JIMINY CRICKET ON A MOTORSCOOTER! She called in the refill request and it will be ready tomorrow morning. We have the half dose he takes at 6:30am. So we should be able to pick it up as soon as the pharmacy opens. I say we, but mean “I”.

Time for sunset, time to manage Ben, time to get through one more night of Driving Miss Daisy.

Word associations… I was reading a posted response to Rory’s Twelve Questions, one of them being something you can ride in or on, and I thought of a Magic Carpet, then of course, this song…

Magic Carpet Ride – Steppenwolf

Not much excitement today. A whole lot of Couch Sittin Duty. A visit from the Georgie and Gracie was nice. Tomorrow will be whatever it will be. I never know what I’m doing, I just keep zombie shuffling along, laughing at all the ridiculous things. Fortunately things are often ridiculous. ¡Hasta mañana!






17 thoughts on “Part 260 ~ The Adventures of King Ben & Zeus the Big Dumb Dog

  1. Oh my goodness! That is a heartbreaking story! I’m glad the woman is in better care now. I’m so glad her neighbors saw her and made the call. Be careful driving tonight. Enjoy the stars! 🤗✨🎶❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know, horrible right?! She’s 87 and has early dementia but I’m glad her son is in jail. Daughter said the lady is super sweet. Daughter enjoys working with seniors, she enjoys helping people and still cries every time she loses a patient. She cried when she read admitting report, and I cried when she told me about it. 😭💔

      The drive was successfully completed, thank you. After picking her up in the morning we have several days of no work, no Driving Miss Daisy. Thank goodness!! I hope you have/had a peace night🌠✨💃🏼🦋🕊🌻💕

      Liked by 1 person

  2. The story of the old lady is just so sad. I hope she gets nourished back to full health. The situation with your daughter is understandable as the stress of work and being tired can make them snappy. Hope it is less eventful tonight. Hugs and love


  3. This is perfect: “As decent, caring humans, we need to check on our elderly or disabled neighbors. Now, more than ever, vulnerable people are isolated.” You are SO right. Yet there are so many people out there who are so cluelessly self-involved that they can’t even begin to grasp the concept. It just boggles my mind. But at least that (scuse the French) asshole of a son is in jail. Cretins who take advantage of the elderly or disabled or anyone who can’t fight back should be removed from society, IMHO.

    On a lighter note, thanks for the Steppenwolf prompt. I think I might be digging in my CDs here in a minute…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Daughter says the lady is super sweet too. Our elders are NOT disposable. Society is so focused on youth, they forget that these people were once young too. They have great stories! The laws against elder abuse and neglect are pretty strong here. He’ll get what’s coming to him. Asshat!

      Yep, a magic carpet ride is just what’s needed😉

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  4. When I was a kid, we got our first VCR and began recording movies that I would end up watching over and over and over and over again. Switching Channels, The Secret of my Success, and Legal Eagles were three I remember as ones I could probably still recite. Anyway, that song is at the beginning of Legal Eagles – whenever I hear it, I think of that scene. I think it played in one of the Austin Powers movies, but it will always remind me of Legal Eagles.

    That is heartbreaking about the elderly woman. Thank goodness someone called and got her help. That is just wrong. We really should be checking on each other these days, especially the elderly or housebound. I hope things go well getting the meds 🙂 I would be hurt too about the IEP. You have been so involved with Ben from the get-go. I hope things work out because I am sure your input will be valued.

    Here’s hoping for a great Saturday!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t think I’ve seen any of those movies😂😂
      Yeah, that son deserves to be locked away and treated the same way he treated his poor mother. Even if she was a horrible mother and a rotten human, that’s no reason to torture her at 87 when she’s defenseless. Breaks my heart and makes me angry! Thank goodness those neighbors called for help, but it’s too bad they didn’t notice something was wrong sooner. No utilities, no running water… 💔😭

      5am start… could’ve been worse, and it was a “cuddle” start, so not bad.😉 Got the med AND used Daughter’s card to treat myself to Starbucks😂
      And no Driving Miss Daisy until Thursday night💃🏼🎉 Saturday is good so far!
      I hope Clan Coupe has a great weekend! 💕

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    1. I don’t miss the long meetings with a room full of people talking about all the things Ben can’t do. But it was just kind of a shock. I really don’t have any legal say so when it comes to Ben.

      Daughter has talked about having a legal document about her wishes if something were to happen to her. She worries that Ben’s father would find out and try to get custody. I can’t see that happening after 10 years of no contact, but maybe getting something on paper isn’t a bad idea.🤷🏼‍♀️💌💌💌


  5. Those IEP’s can be grueling to sit through.
    I always wanted more people with me to help. Weird she doesn’t want that too.

    Glad those days are over.

    Going on a hike this AM.Better feed the chickens first.


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  6. Wow Cosmic Sis, what a day! I know Daughter is a really cool person, I just wish she was a little less dysfunctional and emotionally charged; if I were reading this without knowing much about her I’d guess she was in her teens 💗💞. I know she’s been through her share of shizz, but that’s gotta be stressful for you and Ben! 💞. Your contributions to Ben’s life are immense and incalculable, please don’t ever forget that no matter what she does 🌈🌈😎

    Oh man, the story of the elderly lady really chaps my arse!! 🤬. So relieved she’s getting the care she needs and that deadbeat dolt “son” is behind bars 👏👏💚💙

    And awesome song!! 😁🍻🙌

    Sending love and hugs to you and yours! 🍻💖😍☯️🍀🕊😉🏆🎉🎊💌

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    1. Thank you Dearest Dude! 🤗🥰💖 Older has always been a little on the selfish side. I don’t think she means to be, she’s a nurse so she’s obviously a caring, giving person. But she takes me for granted and that’s common too, really. I think all children kinda expects their parents to do whatever, whenever… or do without. She IS still kinda like a teen. Responsible but with huge gaps and lacking in common sense.🤷🏼‍♀️ Saturn Return… it’s a rough time. And an especially rough time for a Heavy Capricorn.😱🤪

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